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Jessica Bernard

The Curated Experience

A laptop opened with the words 'driving your success' sits on a wooden desk with pens and papers scattered throughout. Two potted plants sit on the far corner.
Tranquil Office Space with Plants

Hey young Entrepreneur, I am so glad you're reading this today! With the weight of your business on your shoulders, there has never been a more opportune time than now to launch your digital media presence.

The benefit of creating your own brand and building your website is that you can curate your user experience and take control of your business from the jump. You can speak to the exact person you need to reach in order to be as successful as you desire. It's no secret that I use a website builder, Wix, to build the sites for my companies and my clients small businesses. Platforms like Wix and SquareSpace really allow you to customize the user experience to capacity, with integrations like video, animated gifs and blogging tools that make staying relevant in your google ranking a breeze!

If you are looking to sell paid packages, provide video tutorials or even online booking, website builders allow you all these perks and freedoms with the aesthetic to match your brand, your style and your vision. The user experience is our ultimate goal when creating our websites. We want them to be able to gather the data they are looking for. Be entertained and want to stick around longer than thirty seconds. When they click through multiple tabs of information, it triggers to Google that your site is an authority on content and ultimately allows you to rank higher in the results page. There are hundreds of factors that play into your Google algorithm and you'll never be able to crack the code, however, you can utilize the things we do know and work them to their fullest.

So what tools do you need to make this a reality? Ideally, you have your brand defined, the colors that resonate, the font that adds value and trust. You will use these as key items to build a gorgeous site that existing and potential clients will drool over. Give them a piece of who you are so they keep clicking for the whole pie and eventually turn into a buyer of your services or products.

Key Elements that you want your website to have:

About Me Page: Give an engaging snippet of your company, where you came from and where you're going.

Services: What offerings do they need to see?

Booking Ability: Explain how to schedule services or meetings with your business.

Contact Page: How can people quickly get in touch with you?

Email Capture Form: Don't miss the opportunity to make an ongoing connection.

Blogging Tool: Whether you link your existing blog or start anew!

We all have a little extra time on our hands, so I want to encourage you to start something new for your business. If your site is already live, take the time to fine tune your message. Update your content and narrow down your target audience. It is completely okay to specialize and cater to specific demographics; in fact, the most successful companies and brands already do this.

I have to cite the great debate between Apple and Android. Phone makers know exactly who they want making purchases and they are not afraid to speak directly to them. Their billion dollar industries are proving they are both winners in the race and by creating that divide, the attract and repel model is working beautifully for both camps.

If you are thinking that you can't afford to build a website, you really have to ask yourself, can you afford not to? Everyone from chefs to graphic designers can be found online and with the convenience to pull out a cell phone, look up your needs and instantly be delivered to an amazing user experience, websites are second to none. If you desire to DIY, you will save a ton of money, but you will put more time and energy into it. That's the caveat. You either give your time, or you pay someone else to give their time. The choice is solely yours, but in today's society, you don't have the option not to choose.

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